Upload file - language option Video Indexer
- Here, you can upload a saved audio and video recording to Recording Insights.
- After uploading the recording, the transcript starts automatically.
- Once the transcript is complete, the uploaded recording is displayed in the tab Recording.

Only one file can be uploaded at a time. Wait until the first file has been uploaded and transcribed before trying to upload another file.
The transcript takes about as long as the call itself.
- Click in the field Language Video Indexer.
- Automatic Detection, the automated detection of the language has been preset in the user rules.
- From the drop-down list, select the language spoken in the recording or use automatic detection to determine the language.
- Click on the button Upload File. Depending on the operating system, the installed file manager of the operating system opens.
- Microsoft Windows, the Windows Explorer opens.
- All allowed file formats are displayed in the dialog window of your Windows Explorer in Custom files:
- Select the respective file and click on the button Open.
- The selected file is uploaded to Recording Insights, transcribed, and saved.
- The recording is displayed in the tab Recording.