Upload file - Language Speech To Text



Upload - Language Speech To Text
Upload - Language Speech To Text

Only one file can be uploaded at a time. Wait until the first file has been uploaded and transcribed before trying to upload another file.

The transcript takes about as long as the call itself.

  1. Click in the field Language Speech to Text.
  2. The displayed language has been preset in the user rules.
  3. From the drop-down list, select the language spoken in the recording.
  4. Click on the button Upload File. Depending on the operating system, the installed file manager of the operating system opens.
  5. Microsoft Windows, the Windows Explorer opens.
  6. All allowed file formats are displayed in the dialog window of your Windows Explorer in Custom files:
  1. Select the respective file and click on the button Open.
  1. The selected file is uploaded to Recording Insights, transcribed, and saved.
  2. The recording is displayed in the tab Recording.