Multi-lingual transcript

Transcription can be used, too, for recordings where different languages are spoken. Especially in countries with several official languages, this may be useful. In the user rules, up to 4 languages can be selected.

The conversation is transcribed once the recording is finished.

The more languages there are, the longer the transcription will take.

Each audio sequence of the recording is matched against the preselected languages. This may affect the accuracy of the transcription.

If a different language than the preselected ones is spoken, phonetically similar words from the preselected languages are used which can cause imprecise results. In those cases, a manual transcription can be carried out, see Manual adjustment of transcript language.

Depending on the conversation, the conversation will be transcribed in one or in several of the preselected languages.

Transcribe manually, see Manual adjustment of transcript language

Steps to transcribe:

The tab “Transcript” displays the results of the multi-lingual transcription.

User rule: Predefined languages are German, English, French, and Italian.

Detail view tab Transcript with multi-language transcript of 1 recognized language
Detail view tab Transcript with multi-language transcript of 1 recognized language

A conversation with 4 recognized languages and multi-language transcript

Detail view tab Transcript with multi-language transcript of 4 recognized languages
Detail view tab Transcript with multi-language transcript of 4 recognized languages