General information

In the context of this document ASC represents ASC Technologies AG, its subsidiaries, branch offices, and distributors. An up-to-date overview of the aforementioned entities can be found at

ASC assumes no guarantee for the actuality, correctness, integrity or quality of the information provided in the manuals.

ASC regularly checks the content of the released manuals for consistency with the described hardware and software. Nevertheless, deviations cannot be excluded. Necessary revisions are included in subsequent editions.

Some aspects of the ASC technology are described in general terms to protect the ownership and the confidential information or trade secrets of ASC.

The software programs and the manuals of ASC are protected by copyright law. All rights on the manuals are reserved including the rights of reproduction and multiplication of any kind, be it photo mechanical, typographical or on digital data media. This also applies to translations. Copying the manuals, completely or in parts, is only allowed with written authorization of ASC.

Representative, if not defined otherwise, is the technical status at the time of the delivery of the software, the devices and the manuals of ASC. Technical changes without specified announcements are reserved. Previous manuals lose their validity.

The general conditions of sales and delivery of ASC in their latest version apply.