Define keyword and soundslike

Conversations are sorted into the defined categories based on keywords. To cover homophones, you can define alternative writing.

For each keyword, an alternative writing can be entered. If there are several similar sounding words, you can enter additional keywords with another alternative writing.

Search for exact keywords

  1. Activate the check box Search for exact keywords to search the conversations for exactly the keyword which have been defined.


The keyword Bank and Search for exact keywords has been activated:

− Terms like banking secret or bankability are not considered.

Create keywords and alternative writing

  1. Click in the field Keyword and enter the keyword.
  2. Click in the field Alternative writing and enter the alternative writing.
  3. Confirm each keyword and alternative writing by pressing the [Enter] key or by clicking on the button New.

Delete keywords and alternative writing

  1. Select a combination of keyword and alternative writing to be deleted.
  2. Confirm the deletion of keyword and its alternative writing by pressing the button Del.