Video recording and screen sharing

Displays all video or screen recordings belonging to a recording. This function allows a flexible and detailed analysis of the recorded media content by offering different view and replay options.

Recording details video/screen recording

View options

The video/screen recording displays the media content belonging to a recording. This includes:


  1. Click on the icon to start the replay of the recording.
  2. Start replay of screen and audio or video.
  3. The option picture in picture is active.
Recording detail view Displayed picture with picture-in-picture function
Recording detail view Displayed picture with picture-in-picture function

Managing windows

  1. Click on the icon to display the required picture layout in a separate window.
  2. In the picture in picture display, the icons for play and pause are displayed.
    −  Click on the icon for pause.
    −  Click on the icon to resume replay.
  3. Click on the icon Back to tab to close picture-in-picture display.
  1. Click on the icon to maximize the required display of video, screen or audio recordings.
  2. Click on the icon to reduce the maximized display to default size.
  3. The icon to open a list of all video users if 2 or more video users are participating in the conversation.