Action based on categorization

This option allows changing the retention time based on category hits.



Action based on categorization

No action

The retention time is not changed.

New retention time

The retention time is changed.

NOTICE! The action Set Retention Time is not available until the option Definition TTL change by categorization has been activated under Access & Right - Configure user rights > Different user rights.

  1. Select the option New retention time from the drop-down list.


  1. Click on the field Day(s) and define the new retention time in days.

Check Validity

  1. Click on the field Validity check to check the validity of the new retention time.

NOTICE! Your entries cannot be saved until a validity check has been carried out.

Example Change retention time by means of categorization. New retention time 100 days.

To analyze recordings with the option Action based on categorization with a changed retention time, the corresponding category must be defined.
 See administration manual Recording Insights: Configure Recording Insights > Tab Settings > Tab Rules > Configure analytics rule > Configure transcription − Category selection

One or several keywords from the exemplary category is mentioned in a conversation between customer and user.
Upon analyzing the conversation with the category (example: Category_for_100-days_retention-time),the retention time is changed according to the specified days.
▫   The retention time is reduced from 730 days to 100 days.