Search recordings
You can search for recordings.
- Enter the search term into the input field.
- The search starts automatically.
Advanced option Search in.
The advanced option Search in allows restricting the search to one specific information in the recording to speed up the search.
- Header
- Transcript
- Notes
- Scenario ID
- Conversation ID
- User ID
- Participants
- Custom Fields
- Click in the field Search and select one option for the search in Search in.
- Enter the search term into the entry field.
- The search starts automatically.
Example: Search without advanced option Search in
- User name
- Header of the recording
- Scenario ID
- Recording ID of Recording Insights
Search with a Scenario ID
- Enter the Scenario ID in the entry field.
- The search starts automatically.
Example of a Scenario ID: af7fadbe-****-****-****-c64bf895de5c
* = placeholder for numbers and letters
The scenario ID is not the same as the recording ID in Recording Insights.
Example: Search with advanced option Search in
Search for an entry in the custom fields. Searched entry: 01234
- Click in the field Search and select the option Additional data fields for the search in Search in in the drop-down list.
- Enter the searched entry 01234 in the input field.
- The search starts automatically.
- All recordings containing 01234 in the custom fields are displayed.
A maximum of one advanced option Search in can be searched.
When selecting several options, the first option in the drop-down list is used for the search.
The selection of the option Search in is reset upon refreshing the view or opening the tab Recording again.