Create category

Summarize custom keywords in a category

  1. Click on the button Add category.
  2. The following window is displayed:
Add category
Add category

The following settings can be adjusted:





  1. Enter a name for the new category in the field Name.

NOTICE! When trying to save a category the name of which already exists, an error message is displayed.

Search for exact keywords

  1. Activate the check box if the recording is supposed to be analyzed regarding the exactly matching keywords.
    • Variants or similar terms are ignored.

Keywords and alternative writing

Conversations are assigned to the defined category on basis of keywords.

Keywords and alternative writing

Adding keywords including variants, see Define keyword and soundslike,

Button Import

Import own keyword lists, see Import.


Define number of repetitions of the keyword in the transcript, see Frequency. The hits are highlighted in the transcript.


Sentiments are displayed in color in a replay bar in the detail view of the recording.

Example: Defined keywords are swear words or threats and sentiments have been set to a high level with a red mark on the replay bar.

In addition to the sentiments, the spotted keyword is marked with the icon below the replay bar.

  • Defined sentiments are not yet evaluated.

Action based on categorization

This option allows changing the retention time based on the specifications of the category.

Retention time is changed according to the specifications of the category, see Action based on categorization,


Not available yet.

  1. Click on the button Save to save the settings.
    Click on the button Cancel to discard the settings.