Create category

Create a keyword category to display the entered keywords in a recording.

  1. Click on the button Add category.
  2. The following window is displayed:
Add category
Add category
  1. Adjust the respective settings.
  2. The following settings can be adjusted:





  1. Enter a name for the new category in the field Name.

Search for exact keywords

  1. Activate the check box if the keywords are supposed to be the same as the keywords defined in the category.

Keywords and alternative writing

Keywords and alternative writing

Conversations are sorted into the defined categories based on keywords, see Define keyword and soundslike.

Button Import

Import own keyword lists, see Import.


Define how often a keyword is supposed to appear in the transcript to sort transcript into category, see Frequency.


Define sentiments as positive or negative by moving the slider. When a keyword is detected, it is marked with the icon and the sentiment is displayed color-coded in the replay bar.

Example: When abusive words and verbal threats are defined as keywords and emotionally charged with sentiment, then these keywords are highlighted in red in the replay bar.

  • Defined sentiments are not yet evaluated.

Action based on categorization

Retention time is changed according to the definition of the category, see Action based on categorization,


Currently not supported.

  1. Click on the button Save to save the entries.
    NOTICE! When entering an already existing name, an error message is issued.
  2. Error message - Name already exists. Enter a different name.
  3. Click on the button Cancel to discard the entries.