Create and edit category

Create new category:

  1. Click on the button Create category.

Edit existing category:

  1. Click on the button Edit category.
  2. The following window is displayed:
Add category
Add category

You can configure the following settings:




The version indicates the number of changes to the templates created for this category and makes it possible to restore an earlier version.

NOTICE! The version counter is started with the first saved change to the category.

  1. Select an earlier version.
  2. Click on the button Restore version to save the version.
    Click on the button Cancel to discard the settings.
    • The category is closed.


Unambiguous, unique name of the category.

NOTICE! When saving the category, an error message is issued if the name is already used for another category.

Search for exact keywords

Only keywords that match exactly are taken into account. Variants or similar terms are ignored.

  1. Activate the check box .

Keyword and alternative writing

Conversations are assigned to the defined category on basis of keywords. To cover homophones, you can define alternative writing.


Search for the keyword Bank while Search for exact keywords has been activated:

− Terms like banking secrecy or bankability are not considered.

Create keyword and alternative writing

  1. Click in the field Keyword and enter the keyword.
  2. Click in the field alternative writing and enter the homophone.
  3. Confirm the entries of the keyword and the alternative writing by pressing the [Enter] key or by clicking on the button New.

Delete keyword and alternative writing

  1. Select a combination of keyword and alternative writing that you would like to delete.
  2. Confirm the deletion of the combination of keyword and alternative writing by clicking on the button Delete .

Button Import

Importing your own keyword lists, see Import.


Specify how frequently a keyword must occur in the transcript in order to trigger a categorization. Activate "Count unique keywords once" to count keywords that appear several times only once.

  1. Click on the field Frequency.
    • Specify the total number of times a keyword must be found for a recording to be categorized.
    • If several keywords are specified, the total number of hits for all keywords is taken into account, not the repetitions of individual words.
  1. Activate the check box Count unique keywords once if each keyword should only be counted once per recording, even if it occurs several times.


Defines the emotional intensity of a category as a percentage. Sentiments are displayed in color in a replay bar in the detail view of the recording.

Example: Defined keywords are swear words or threats and sentiments have been set to a high level with a red mark on the replay bar.

In addition to the sentiments, the spotted keyword is marked with the icon below the replay bar.

  • The settings of the emotions are not yet evaluated.

Execute action based on category

Change the retention period of records that match a specific category. This option is only available if the definition of TTL changes (Time-To-Live) by categorizations has been activated.

The retention period is changed according to the categorization specifications, see Action based on categorization.


Not yet available

  1. Click on the button Save to save the settings.
    Click on the button Cancel to discard the settings.