Select trigger type Keyword categories

Categories contain defined keywords for dedicated analyses.
Creating and editing keywords in categories, see Create and edit category.

Categories that have been created in the tab Settings > User configuration > Categories are visible for all authorized users.

Categories that have been created in the tab Compliance > Categories are only visible for users with a compliance license. An authorized user with a compliance license can see all created categories.

Add trigger type Categories

  1. Click in the field Select area to add to select the trigger type Categories.
  2. Click on the button Add to add the trigger type Categories.

Add and remove category

  1. Click in the field Select category.
  2. Select one or several categories from the drop-down list.
  3. Activate or deactivate one or several check boxes to select or deselect categories.
  4. Click in the field Select categories to close the drop-down list.

Behind the trigger type Categories, the number of selected categories is displayed in parentheses.

Logical operation of several AI categories

  1. Click in the field Select connection to define the combination of the categories with AND or OR.
  2. Click on AND or OR to logically combine categories.
  3. Select AND if the selected categories are supposed to apply.
  4. Select OR if at least one category is supposed to apply.

Delete trigger type Categories

  1. Click on the icon to delete the trigger type Categories.