Tab Fields

In the detail view in the tab Fields, custom fields can be post-edited and classified by means of the check boxes, depending on the read and write rights.

Custom field can be edited during the conversation in the live view of the conversation, too, see Live conversation view

The post-editing time and the read and write rights for custom fields have been configured in the user rules, see administration manual, chapter Tab Fields.

Recording cannot be edited or removed from the area To Do once the post-editing time has expired. The recordings continue to be displayed in the area To Do.

View of the custom fields and check boxes
Example description with read and write access

Post-editing detail view tab Fields
Post-editing detail view tab Fields

Custom fields with read access

The fields are displayed as information only.

Custom fields with read and write access

Changing custom fields and check boxes based on the example above.

Specifications and description of custom fields and check boxes

Specifications for custom fields and check boxes


  1. In the field Test Feld Kundennummer, enter the customer number.
  2. Once the 10 numbers have been entered, the button Save is activated.
    −  If more than the permitted 10 numbers are entered, an error message is issued.
    −  If fewer than the permitted 10 numbers are entered, saving the entries in the field Test Feld Kundennummer is not possible.
  3. Click on Add field to add another Test Feld Kundennummer.
    −  If more than the permitted fields are added, an error message is issued.
  4. Click on the icon to delete the field Test Feld Kundennummer.
  1. Under Test Checkbox, tick the check box Yes or No to change the retention time.
  2. The button Save is activated.

If Yes is saved, changing the selection to No is no longer possible.

If No is saved, changing the selection to Yes remains possible.

  1. Enter text into the field Docu Field.
  2. Enter a minimum of 1 character so that the button Save is activated.
    −  If more than the permitted 30 numbers and characters are entered, an error message is issued.
  3. Click on Add field to add another Docu Field.
    −  If more than the permitted fields are added, an error message is issued.
  4. Click on the icon to delete the field Docu Field.
Post-editing detail view tab Fields - Edit fields
Post-editing detail view tab Fields - Edit fields
  1. Click on one of the buttons Save to save the entries.
Recording detail view tab Fields - Fields saved
Recording detail view tab Fields - Fields saved