Filter settings predefined by replay rule (examples)

Option Filter

  Set up, see administration manual Recording Insights: chapter User configuration > Tab Rules > Configure replay rule > Filter

Activate the option Filter and select the corresponding filter type default filter, visibility filter or replay filter.

Replay − Option replay type

  Set up, see administration manual Recording Insights: chapter User configuration > Tab Rules > Configure replay rule > Replay − Replay type − Time-based replay


Default filter

Example: When activating the default filter, only recordings from the last 96 hours are displayed and can be replayed.




Cycle Last 96h selected.

Conversation type

Selected conversation types:

  • Inbound Calls
  • Outbound Calls
  • Meetings
  • Internal Calls

Default filter deactivated

Default filter activated

Visibility filter

Example: Only recordings from 27th August 2023 (Today) are displayed and can be replayed.




Cycle Today selected.

Conversation type

Selected conversation types:

  • Inbound Calls
  • Outbound Calls
  • Meetings
  • Internal Calls
Tab Recording with filter setting: visibility filter
Tab Recording with filter setting: visibility filter

Replay filter

Example: Only recordings created on 27 August 2023 (today) are replayed.




Cycle Today selected.

Conversation type

Selected conversation types:

  • Inbound Calls
  • Outbound Calls
  • Meetings
  • Internal Calls
Tab Recording with filter setting: replay filter
Tab Recording with filter setting: replay filter

Replay type

Time-based replay

Example: Only recordings created during the last 96 hours are supposed to be replayed. For all other recordings, a replay request is required.



Replay type

Replay type Time-based replay selected

Request replay from

Define approver for approval of replay request


Cycle Last 96 Hours defined.


Request replay request

Replay of a recording created outside the defined cycle/period of time (Last 96 Hours).

  1. Select a recording.
  2. The following replay request is displayed in the detail view of the recording.
Entry field: Replay Request Reason
Entry field: Replay Request Reason
  1. In the field Replay Request Reason enter a reason.
    Example: Enter a reason
Entry replay request reason
Entry replay request reason
  1. Click on the button Request Replay to send the replay request.
  2. An information that the replay request is pending is displayed.
  3. Replay request is pending.

In the tab Recording of the approver in the area To Do, the recording of the person requesting replay is displayed.

Tab Recording area To Do
Tab Recording area To Do
  1. Select the recording.
  2. The replay request of the person requesting replay is displayed in the detail view of the recording.
Replay request of the person requesting the recording
Replay request of the person requesting the recording
  1. Click on the button Allow Replay to release the recording for replay.
  2. The person who has requested replay can now replay the recording.
  3. Click on the button Clear to deny the replay request.