Add question

  1. Click on the button Add AI question
  2. The following window is displayed:
Add question
Add question




  1. Enter a unique, non-existent name for the compliance question in the Name field.

NOTICE! When saving the compliance question, you will receive an error message if a compliance question with this name already exists.


Entering a description is optional.

  1. Enter additional information and details about the literal phrase in the field Description.

AI questions

  1. Enter the question for the analysis of the transcript in the field Compliance question.

NOTICE! Test in advance whether the question works, see Open AI − Question.

= Tooltip: Example description for the questions on the AI question.

Detect missing elements

  1. Activate the checkbox if the answer “Yes” or “Not yes” is to be output as a relevant statement.

Recognize a question not answered with Yes as a hit

  1. Click on the button Save to save the settings.
    Click on the button Cancel to discard the settings.