Edit AI question

  1. Select an AI question to be edited.
  2. Click on the button Edit AI Question.
  3. The following window is displayed:
Edit AI question
Edit AI question




The version indicates the number of changes made for the created AI question.

NOTICE! Upon saving the first changes made to the AI question, the version count is started.

By selecting an earlier version, an older AI question can be activated.

  1. Select an older version.
  2. Click on the button Restore version to save the version.
    Click on the button Cancel to discard the settings.
    • The AI question is closed.


  1. Changing the name is optional.
  2. In the field Name, change the existing name to a new unambiguous name for the AI question.

NOTICE! When trying to save an AI question the name of which already exists, an error message is displayed.


  1. Entering a description is optional.
  2. In the field Description, you can enter additional information and details about the literal phrase.

Compliance questions

  1. In the field Compliance questions, enter the question for the analysis of the transcript.

NOTICE! Test the question for functionality in advance, see Open AI − open question.

= Tooltip: exemplary description of the AI question.

Detect missing elements

  1. Activate the check box if the answer “Yes” or “Not yes” is supposed to be issued as relevant answer.

Consider question answered with not yes as a hit

  1. Click on the button Save to save the settings.
    Click on the button Cancel to discard the settings.