Drop-down list: Adherence phrases, AI Adherence phrases

The drop-down list of categories and AI Categorization provide a structured way to define specific categories and their recognition rules. This function makes it possible to configure phrases to be recognized in conversations to ensure that the communication complies with the defined policies.

Drop-down list of Adherence phrases, AI Adherence phrases
Drop-down list of Adherence phrases, AI Adherence phrases

Adherence phrases

Adherence phrases are predefined announcements or messages. These announcements are defined text modules or pre-stored statements that policies are based on to ensure that certain content is communicated in a standardized way, see Adherence phrases.

AI Adherence phrases

AI Adherence phrases are specific phrases or expressions that are recognized in conversations with the help of AI. These phrases can include semantically similar formulations that all convey the same meaning. The AI recognizes these phrases based on their content proximity, not just on the exact match of the wording, see AI Adherence phrases.