Edit scorecard

Edit Scorecard allows you to customize existing scorecards to ensure that the evaluation and analysis processes always meet current requirements. You can use this function to make changes to the evaluation criteria, the evaluation questions and the associated settings. This includes adding new sections, updating existing questions or customizing the scorecard settings.

  1. Click on the button Edit scorecard.

Adjust the required settings:




  1. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the new Scorecard that does not already exist.

NOTICE! If you click save and a Scorecard with this name already exists, you will receive an error message.


  1. Entering a description is optional.
  2. Enter in the entry field Description, enter additional details and information about the application field.


When you create a new scorecard, the default setting is always manual. The evaluation is carried out without AI support.

NOTICE! If this setting is changed, your previously defined parameters are deleted.

Scorecard elements

The scorecard elements are the configured sections of a scorecard that define the criteria and evaluation areas used to assess agent performance. Each section contains specific evaluation questions or items aimed at analyzing different aspects of agent performance, such as customer service satisfaction, communication efficiency or problem-solving skills. The assessment can be made either by answering a Yes/No question or by an assessment according to awarding points.

Scorecard elements
Scorecard elements

Scorecard Settings

The scorecard settings include the configuration settings used for the scorecard elements to customize and specify the evaluation criteria. This includes the definition of evaluation standards, point ranges and color coding for a clear visualization of the results. The settings allow the scorecard to be customized to meet specific assessment requirements and objectives. You can add and define any number of evaluation keys to customize the evaluation.

Scorecard settings
Scorecard settings