Detail view of archived recordings
Archiving conversations serves for long-term storage of data that is no longer or only infrequently accessed. Data can then be saved in a more economic storage location. The archiving and restore process is managed by Microsoft. Restore can take up to 15 hours before the conversation can be replayed.
The conversation from the archive storage are restored in the conversation safe of the user. The user rules for the conversation safe apply for the restored conversations.

Removing a conversation from the conversation safe may cause the conversation to be deleted irrevocably if the original retention time (TTL) has passed and if the conversation has not been saved in at least another directory of the conversation safe.

Archived conversations cannot be replayed.

Only conversations in the tab Recording are archived according to tenant configuration.
Conversations saved in the Conversation Safe are not archived.
Depending on the user configuration, archived conversations may either be restored or only displayed.
Restoring archived conversations incurs costs.

Activate user configuration for the detail view of the archived conversation, see administration manual Recording Insights Configure Recording Insights > Tab Settings > Tab Rules > Access & Right - Configure user rights > Archived conversations
Archiving requires a corresponding contigent package, see Recording Insights Configure Recording Insights > Tab Settings > Tenant configuration > Information about the license packages.
Display and restore an archived conversation
- Display archived conversations, see Display archived conversations
- Restore archived conversations with restore request, see Restore archived conversations with restore request
- Restore archived conversations with restore approval, see Restore archived conversations with restore approval