Tab TTL (retention period)

The recording rules contain the retention periods (TTL) for each recording, i. e. for every recording has a predefined deletion time.

Deleting a conversation with a defined deletion time required special access and function rights.

NOTICE! Under certain circumstances, recordings can be saved in the conversation safe to have them permanently available, e. g. in case of litigations; i. e. the predefined deletion time for the recording is ignored.

  1. Select the corresponding option:
  2. Delete recordings, see Delete recording
  3. Save recordings in conversation safe, see Save recordings in conversation safe
  4. If recordings have been saved in the conversation safe, select the option:
  5. Remove recordings from conversation safe, see Remove recordings from conversation safe

In the tab TTL, the time when the recording will be deleted is displayed.

Recordings can be deleted or saved in the conversation safe when users have the corresponding access and function rights.

Detail view tab TTL
Detail view tab TTL

Delete recording

Delete a recording from the tab Recording.

NOTICE! Delete recordings in the conversation safe:
The recording must be removed from the conversation safe first, before it can be deleted, see Remove recordings from conversation safe

  1. Select the recording to be deleted in the tab Recording.
  2. Select the tab TTL in the detail view of the recording.
Detail view tab TTL (retention time)
Detail view tab TTL (retention time)
  1. Click on the button Delete conversation to delete the recording.
  2. The following window appears:
  3. Delete recording
  1. Click on the button Confirm to delete the recording irrevocably.
  2. Click on the button Cancel to cancel deleting the recording.


The recording is deleted immediately.