Tab Recording
The tab Recording serves as a platform to manage, analyze and control communication recording in real time within Recording Insights. For a good overview of the different functions, the description is distributed among 3 subcategories:
- Offers a detailed insight into the individual recordings and their metadata, see Recording details and metadata .
- Comprises all function to organize, manage, and process recordings, see Recording management.
- Includes functions for real-time monitoring of calls and secure management of recordings, see Live call control and recording
Recording details and metadata
Offers a detailed insight into the individual recordings and their metadata.
- Visualization of the recording, see Visualization of the recording
- Video recording and screen sharing: Functions for video and screen recording, see Video recording and screen sharing.
- Detail view with essential metadata, see Detail view.
Recording management
Includes all functions for organizing, managing and processing records.
- Tile view: Displays recordings in tile view, see Tile view
- List view: Displays recordings in list view, see List view
- Search recordings: Powerful search function to search for specific recordings, see Search recordings.
- Filter settings: Filter settings preconfigured by replay rules, see Filter settings.
- Bulk operations: Options to export, transcribe, and delete recordings simultaneously, see Bulk operation.
Live call control and storage
Contains functions for real-time monitoring of calls and to safely manage recordings.
- Live call control, see Live view of the conversation
- Conversation safe, see Conversation safe (tab Recording)
- Detail view of archived recordings, see Detail view archived recordings.
Functionality bar
For a quick overview, the tab contains a functionality bar offering a range of tools and options to use and manage your recordings efficiently. The functionality bar offers you tools to efficiently manage and analyze your recordings.
Caption | Icon and description | Description |
1 |
| Switching between tile view and list view of the recordings, see Tile view, see List view. |
2 |
| Efficiently searching for specific recordings by a selected criterion, see Search recordings. |
3 |
| Advanced option to precisely filter the search results by different criteria such as Conversation Type and Category, see Filter settings. |
4 |
| Current calls in real time, see Live view of the conversation. |
5 |
| Saving and managing recordings with adjusted retention time TTL, see Conversation safe (tab Recording) |
6 |
| Support, manuals, and news. |
7 |
| Refreshed the view to display the latest data and changes. |
8 |
| Export of recording reports as XLSX file for further processing, see Export report as XLSX file. |
9 |
| Selection of bulk actions for simultaneously managing several recordings such as deleting or exporting, see Bulk operation. |