Filter settings

Here, you can define the criteria according to which the display of the recording is supposed to be filtered. Each user can save one filter permanently.

Settings can be changed at any time. The filter settings can be saved without filter criteria, too (default), compare Define filter criteria (example: no filter defined, no specifications due to replay rule).

Options for the filter settings can be preconfigured in the replay rule, see Filter settings predefined by replay rule (examples). If there are specifications in the replay rule, the icon is displayed.
Exceptions: If a default filter is created in the replay rule, the icon is displayed. Users can activate or deactivate the default filter.

The icon is displayed whenever a filter has been adjusted and saved for the search.

Changing settings and saving the new settings deactivates the previous settings of the filter settings.

  1. Click on the icon to open the filter dialog.
  2. The following window appears:
Define filter settings (example: no filter defined, no specifications due to replay rule).
Define filter settings (example: no filter defined, no specifications due to replay rule).

Select 1 or several options for your filter settings.

Depending on the replay rule, filter options may vary.

If specifications have been defined in the replay rule, the filter settings must be changed in compliance with these specifications.



Default filter

NOTICE! The default filter is displayed in compliance with the replay rule.


  1. Tick the check box Active to activate the predefined filter types for the replay of the recordings.

Users can activate or deactivate the default filter in the filter settings of the tab Recording.



Conversation type

  1. Click in the field Conversation type.
  2. Select one or several conversation types from the drop-down list.
    • Activate or deactivate one or several check boxes to select or deselect conversation types.

List of conversation types:

  • Inbound calls
  • Outbound calls
  • Meetings
  • Internal calls
  • External calls
  • Chat
  • Uploaded


  1. Click in the field Cycle.
    • Select a cycle from the drop-down list Cycle or enter a customized start and end time.

Start time
End time

Enter customized start time and end time

  1. Select the required date in the calendar.
    Use the arrows to select the month   and the year  . Click on a day to define the start time and the end time.

Recording Duration (minutes)

Option to select calls based on the recording duration in minutes.

  1. In the field From, enter the minimum recording duration in minutes.
  2. In the field To, enter the maximum recording duration in minutes.

Example: The recording duration is supposed to be between 1 and 5 minutes.
In the field From enter 1 minute and in the field To enter 5 minutes.
Recordings with a duration between 1 and 5 minutes will be displayed.


In the list of participants, you can search for and select users from the Microsoft Azure AD by means of their user name (first name, last name) and/or group names.

You can filter for external participants from outside the Microsoft Azure AD by entering their phone number. Microsoft Teams saves all external phone numbers with the country code added. It is possible to filter for user groups and participants at the same time.

In the field Participants, define the user(s) whose recordings are supposed to be replayed.

  1. Click on the field Participants.
  2. Enter the name of a user, a group or the participant phone number.
    • Entering a participant phone number:
      - Enter the phone number of the participant, e. g. +49602150010, and confirm it by pressing [Return].
      − The phone number of the participant is entered in the field Participants.
  3. Select one or several users or groups from the drop-down list.
  4. Click on the icon to remove a user, a group or a participant phone number from the list.

Recording Owner

  1. Activate the check box Recording Owner if the recordings are supposed to be displayed by the user.


  1. Click in the field integrationSelection.
  2. Select one or several integrations from the drop-down list.
    • Activate or deactivate one or several check boxes to select or deselect integrations.

 See administration manual Recording Insights: chapter User configuration > Tab Job > Configure integration jobs to create new and edit available integrations.

Example List of integrations

  • Teams
  • Integration Zoom
  • Integration
  • ...


  1. Click in the field Category.
  2. Select one or several categories from the drop-down list.
    • Activate or deactivate one or several check boxes to select or deselect categories.

To create and edit categories, see tab Compliance, Tab Categories (tab AI Policies) or tab Settings, User configuration > Tab Categories (User configuration) according to configured user rights.

Policy selection

  1. Click in the field Policy selection.
  2. Select one or several policies from the drop-down list.
    • Activate or deactivate one or several check boxes to select or deselect policies.

NOTICE! Only already created policies can be selected, see Create policy.

Conversation safe folders

  1. Click in the field Conversation Safe Folders.
  2. Select one or several folders from the drop-down list.
    • Activate or deactivate one or several check boxes to select or deselect folders.

NOTICE! To create conversation safe directories, the access right for user access - user rights > Conversation Safe is required with full access or restricted access.

Example: List of conversation safe folders

  • Select all (Default)
  • Doc01 (user directory)
  • Doc01 ID (user directory)
  • Unallocated (Default: recording which have not been allocated to any directory.)


Search once

  1. Click on the button Search to filter by means of the current settings.
  2. The main view only displays recordings meeting all filter criteria.
  3. Click on the icon to close the filter dialog.
  4. The settings of the filter dialog are not saved.

Save filter settings

  1. Click on the button Save to save the settings.
  2. Click on the icon to close the filter dialog.
  3. In the future, the main view will only display recordings meeting all defined filter criteria.

Changes are applied as new filter and the current settings are deactivated automatically.

Check filter settings

  1. Click on the icon to close the filter dialog.
  2. Click on the icon (Refresh) to check the filter settings.



List of cycles