Display report in list view

Conversation details

This group contains information about the basic details of the communication as well as information about the participants. It includes data such as date, start time, duration, participants and UserID/UserLogin. You are provided with an overview of the structured data contained in the communication recordings and allows you to take a detailed look at the calls and their participants.

List view - Conversation details
List view - Conversation details



Conversation Type

The deployed conversation type is displayed as icon, see Conversation type. The following system information is displayed:

  • = Conversation Type
  • = Inbound Calls
  • = Outbound Calls
  • = Internal Calls
  • = Meetings
  • = Chat
  • = recording uploaded to the cloud externally


Header of the conversation, see Detail view tab Metadata.


Date when the conversation took place. The date is displayed in the date format TT.MM.YYYY, see Detail view tab Metadata.

Start Time

Start time of the conversation. The time is displayed in 12 hours for AM and PM, see Detail view tab Metadata.


Duration of the conversation. The time format 00:00:00 for hours, minutes, and seconds is used, see Detail view tab Metadata.


Number and user ID of the attendees, see Detail view tab Metadata.

User ID

Unambiguous ID of the user who started the conversation, see Detail view tab Metadata.

User Login

User login of the user who started the conversation, see Detail view tab Metadata.

Conversation ID

Unambiguous ID of the conversation, see Detail view tab Metadata.


Deployed media type as icon, see Tile view. The following system information is displayed:

  • = audio recording
  • = video recording
  • = screen recording
  • = chat recording


Value indicating whether a transcript is available. The following system information is displayed:

  • 1 = yes
  • 0 = no

Conversation details with errors and losses

This group contains information about the basic details of the communication as well as information about the participants. It includes data such as date, start time, duration, participants and UserID/UserLogin. You are provided with an overview of the structured data contained in the communication recordings and allows you to take a detailed look at the calls and their participants.


Additional columns


Not Exported, see Audit logs.


Size of the conversations which have not been exported in megabyte.

Error: Not Exported

Losses and errors. The following system information is displayed:

  • empty = no error
  • Database error

Error description

Detailed description of the export error, if available. The following system information is displayed:

  • No transcript but user with transcript rule!
  • Audio stream not processed.
  • Total Loss with no metadata
  • Conversation awaiting transcript

Not Imported, see Audit logs.


Size of the conversations which have not been imported in megabyte.

Not Imported Error

Losses and errors. The following system information is displayed:

empty = no error

Error Description

Detailed description of the import error, if available. The following system information is displayed:

  • No transcript but user with transcript rule!
  • Audio stream not processed.
  • Total Loss with no metadata
  • Conversation awaiting transcript

Policy compared, see Analytics reports.


Number of how often the selected policy applies, see Detail view tab Policy.

Category compared, see Analytics reports.


Number of how often the selected category applies, see Detail view tab Category.

User and scenario details

This group provides information about the users and scenarios of the conversations. Among those are user IDs, user logins, scenario IDs and group memberships.

List view - User and scenario details
List view - User and scenario details

Columns List view


Conversation Type

The deployed conversation type is displayed as icon, see Conversation type. The following system information is displayed:

  • = Conversation Type
  • = Inbound Calls
  • = Outbound Calls
  • = Internal Calls
  • = Meetings
  • = Chat
  • = recording uploaded to the cloud externally

Loss Type

Overview of which section of the conversation has not been recorded. The following system information is displayed:

  • No = no error
  • TotalLoss
  • AudioLoss
  • NoTranscript
  • OtherUser
  • OnlySilence


Value indicating whether the conversation has been recorded. The following system information is displayed:

  • Yes
  • No


Header of the conversation, see Detail view tab Metadata.


Date when the conversation took place. The date is displayed in the date format TT.MM.YYYY, see Detail view tab Metadata.


Start time of the conversation. The time is displayed in 12 hours for AM and PM, see Detail view tab Metadata.


Duration of the conversation. The time format 00:00:00 for hours, minutes, and seconds is used, see Detail view tab Metadata.


Description why the conversation has not been recorded.


Number and user ID of the participants, see Detail view tab Metadata.

User ID

Unambiguous ID of the user who started the conversation, see Detail view tab Metadata.

User Login

User login of the user who started the conversation, see Detail view tab Metadata.

Conversation ID

Unambiguous ID of the conversation, see Detail view tab Metadata.

BotApp ID

Bot cluster that has received the invitation to join this call.

Call ID

MS Teams ID of the bot call.

Scenario ID

MS Teams ID of the entire call scenario, see Detail view tab Metadata.

Tenant ID

Unambiguous ID of the tenant, see Detail view tab Metadata.

Audit Logs

This group provides you with information about audit logs and log details that are used to monitor events and activities related to the communication recordings, see Audit events to create an audit log.

List view - Audit log
List view - Audit log

Columns List view



Date and time when the audit log was requested. The time is displayed in 12 hours for AM and PM. The date is displayed in the date format TT.MM.YYYY, see Detail view tab Metadata.

User Login

User login of the user who requested the audit log, see Detail view tab Metadata.


Identification of the audit event, see Audit events to create an audit log.


User login of all participants, the content of the audit log, and the start time and date. The date is displayed in the date format TT.MM.YYYY. The time is displayed in 12 hours for AM and PM, see Detail view tab Metadata.


ID type of the purpose of the audit log. The following system information is displayed:

  • Conversation ID
  • User ID
  • GroupId
  • RuleId


Unambiguous ID of the conversation, see Detail view tab Metadata.

Scenario ID

MS Teams ID of the entire call scenario, see Detail view tab Metadata.


Monitored data group, see Audit events to create an audit log. The following system information is displayed:

  • Recording
  • User
  • Analysis
  • Policy
  • Rule


Deployed widget type, see Widget and view options.


Key to identify the audit log.

User ID

Unambiguous ID of the user who started the conversation, see Detail view tab Metadata.


Details depending on the viewed parameter of the audit log.