Audit events to create an audit log

Audit logs serve to monitor, visualize, and follow up on actions. You can create overviews to fulfill compliance demands, to identify potential security gaps, or to follow up on events.

To create Audit logs, a compliance recording license must be available in the system and the corresponding access rights must have been configured for the user.

  1. Click on the button Create report.
  2. In the drop-down list KPI, select Audit log. Below the fields and the drop-down lists, the list Audit Events is displayed dynamically.
  3. From the list Audit Events, select the respective options for your Audit log.
  4. Activate the respective check box to select one or several audit events for the Audit log.
  5. Deactivate the respective check box to remove one or several audit events from the selection.
Audit Log - Audit Events

Overview of audit events for the Audit log.

Audit events


Adherence AI Phrase Created

Overview of created AI-generated adherence phrases Create adherence phrases.

Adherence AI Phrase Deleted

Overview of deleted AI-generated adherence phrases Delete adherence phrases.

Adherence AI Phrase Edited

Overview of edited AI-generated adherence phrases Edit adherence phrases.

Adherence phrase Create

Overview of created adherence phrases, see Create adherence phrases.

Adherence phrase Delete

Overview of deleted adherence phrases, see Delete adherence phrases.

Adherence phrase Edit

Overview of edited adherence phrases, see Edit adherence phrases.

Audit Export

Overview of exported reports, see Display and export report in list view.

Category Create

Overview of created categories, see Create category.

Category Delete

Overview of deleted categories, see Delete category.

Category Edit

Overview of edited categories, see Edit category.

Compliance question Create

Overview of created AI questions, see Add AI question,

Compliance question Delete

Overview of deleted AI questions, see Delete AI question,

Compliance question Edit

Overview of edited AI questions, see Edit AI question,

Conversation add to safe

Overview of recordings added to the conversation safe. Recordings added to the conversation safe are saved permanently, see Conversation Safe (Tab Recording).

Conversation Announcement Disabled

Overview of deactivated phone calls; every call is counted only once. Only unambiguous phone numbers are counted to ensure precise monitoring. Repeated calls from the same number are not counted, see chapter Suppress PSTN notification for a user.

Conversation Archived

Overview of conversations archived in the archive storage, see Detail view of archived recordings.

Conversation Archived Media Approved

Overview of approved restore requests of recordings from the archive storage, see Restore archived conversations with restore approval.

Conversation Archived Media Request

Overview of restore requests of recordings from the archive storage, see Restore archived conversations with restore request.

Conversation Archived Media Restore

Overview of restored recordings from the archive storage, see Detail view of archived recordings.

Conversation Manual Delete

Overview of recordings deleted by a user, see Delete recordings.

Conversation Deletion Approvals

Overview of conversations for which a deletion approval has been granted. Deletion approvals can be granted by a user or administrator defined in the Access & Rights rules, see Detail view tab TTL.

Conversation Deletion Requests

Overview of conversations for which a deletion approval has been requested. Deletion approvals can be granted by a user or administrator defined in the Access & Rights rules, see Detail view tab TTL.

Conversation Exported

Overview of exported conversation to monitor internal or external data protection regulations.

Conversation Import Recording

Overview of imported conversations.

Conversation Manual Analysis

Overview of analyses carried out subsequently in the detail view, by selecting a transcript language or by bulk operation Transcribe.

Conversation Manual Delete

Overview of recordings deleted by a user, see Delete recordings.

Conversation Not Recorded

Overview of conversations without recording.

Conversation not recorded due to disable next recording

Overview of conversations which have not been recorded because the option Selective recording has been activated.

Conversation Recorded

Overview of all recordings, see Tab Recording

Conversation Recording Stopped

Overview of how often conversations have been stopped. The number how often conversations have been stopped is displayed, see Live conversation view.

Conversation remove from safe

Overview of recordings removed from the conversation safe. Recordings added to the conversation safe are saved permanently.

Conversation Replay Approval

Overview of recordings with an approved replay request. Replay requests can only be approved of by authorized users.

Conversation replay from folder

Overview of replayed conversations from the conversation safe folder, see Save recordings in conversation safe.

Conversation Replay Request

Overview of recordings with a replay request. Replay requests can only be approved of by authorized users.

Conversation Replayed

Overview of recordings replayed by one or several users.

Conversation TTL Change

Overview of recordings for which the configured retention time has been changed, see Detail view tab TTL.

Conversation Uploaded

Overview of recordings replayed by one or several users.

Delete folder

Overview of deleted conversation safe folders, see Remove recordings from conversation safe.

Export folder

Overview of exported conversation safe folders, see Bulk operation: Option Conversation Safe

Group Added

Overview of recently added groups.

Group configuration changed

Overview of changed group rules.

Group Deleted

Overview of deleted groups.

Group license changed

Overview of changed group licenses.

License Cancelled

Overview of cancelled licenses.1)

License Plan Changed

Overview of changed licenses.

License Purchased

Overview of purchased licenses.1)

License Reinstated

Overview of reinstated licenses.1)

License Renewed

Overview of renewed licenses.1)

License Seat Quantity Changed

Overview of changed number of licenses by assignment of licenses.

License Suspended

Overview of suspended licenses of users and groups.1)

Partner Added

Overview of recently added partners.1)

Partner Changed

Overview of changed partner information.1)

Pattern recognition Create

Overview of created patterns, see Create patterns,

Pattern recognition Delete

Overview of deleted patterns, see Delete pattern,

Pattern recognition Edit

Overview of edited patterns, see Edit patterns,

Policy Active

Overview of active policies, see Tab Policies tile view.

Policy Create

Overview of created policies, see Create policy.

Policy Deactive

Overview of deactivated policies, see Tab Policies tile view.

Policy Delete

Overview of deleted policies, see Delete policy.

Policy Edit

Overview of edited policies, see Edit policy.

Policy Folder Changed

Overview of policies moved to different folders.

Policy Rule Create

Overview of created policy rules, see Create policy rule.

Policy Rule Delete

Overview of deleted policy rules, see Delete policy rule.

Policy Rule Edit

Overview of edited policy rules, see Edit policy rule

Recording disable cancel of next Conversation

Overview of conversations for which the function Don’t record next conversation has been disabled.

Recording disable of next conversation

Overview of conversations for which the function Don’t record next conversation has been activated.

Recording State Switched

Overview of conversations for which the recording state has been switched during recording.

Recording stop of current Conversation

Overview of conversations for which the active recording has been stopped.

Rule Assignment

Overview of rules assigned to one or several users.

Rule Changes

Overview of changes to rules for one or several users

Rule Creation

Overview of created rules.

Rule Deletion

Overview of deleted rules.

Share folder

Overview of conversation safe folders which have been shared with other users or groups, see Conversation Safe (Tab Recording).

Short Key Expiration Activated

Overview of activation of key expiration date.

Tenant Added

Overview of recently added tenants.1)

Tenant Changed

Overview of changed tenant configurations.1)

User Added

Overview of users who have added new users.
NOTICE! If users create several new users, then the users are listed according to the number of users they have created.

User configuration changed

Overview of changes to the user configuration, see User configuration.

User Deleted

Overview of users who have deleted users.
NOTICE! If users delete several users, then the users are listed according to the number of users they have deleted.

User license changed

Overview of changed user licenses. Revoked and added licenses are counted.

User logged in

Overview of logged-in users.

User Settings Changed

Overview of changed user settings.

1) Report creation for authorized administrators with special rights for tenant administration.