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General information


Start application

Tab Recording

●  Recording details and metadata

−  Visualization of the recording

−  Video recording and screen sharing

Detail view

−  Tab Transcript

−  Tab Policy

−  Tab Category

−  Tab Keywords

−  Tab Notes

−  Tab Fields

−  Tab TTL (retention period)

−  Tab Metadata

−  Recording management

●  Tile view

●  List view

●  Search recordings

●  Filter settings

●  Bulk operation

−  Live call control and recording

●  Live conversation view

▫  Download transcription as XLSX file

▫  Manual adjustment of transcript language

▫  Translate transcript

▫  AI Assistant

▫  Search for content in the transcript

▫  Record current conversation

▫  Call control via DTMF-signals and PSTN-announcement-management

●  Conversation safe (tab Recording)

▫  Save recordings in conversation safe

▫  Remove recordings from conversation safe

−  Detail view of archived recordings

▫  Display archived conversations

▫  Restore archived conversations with restore request

▫  Restore archived conversations with restore approval

Tab Dashboard

●  Create additional dashboards

●  Create report

−  KPI

▫  Recording

▫  Audit logs

   °  Audit events to create an audit log

▫  Analytics reports

▫  Wallboard

−  Selected User

−  Widget and view options

▫  Further options for alarm configuration

−  Conversation type

Value Type

−  Time format

●  Change mode - arrange widgets

●  Edit widget

−  Change report and display

−  Delete report

−  Display maximized widgets

−  Display and export report in list view

Tab AI Policies

●  Configure policies

●  Configure policy rules

●  Configure pattern recognition

●  Configure adherence phrases

●  Categories

Display conversation safe

Tab Settings

●  Navigation

−  Upload

▫  Upload file - language option Video Indexer

▫  Upload file - Language Speech To Text

−  User configuration

▫  Tab Categories (User configuration)

●  Tooltip

●  Display settings

●  Switch recording

●  Analytics Settings

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